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Board Meeting of April, 2024

Arkansas Valley Ambulance District

Attendees: Nicole Lewis, Tom Kainz, David (Topper) Craft, Dave Van Nattan.

Meeting called to order at 1805 hours by Nicole.

Minutes from last month were presented and had no corrections. Tom made motion to accept, Topper seconded, passed to accept 4/0.

  • Financial Report: our current financial balance is $294,176. Break down of accounts are Ops = $36,424, Savings = $134,709, Reserve = $121,781 and Emergency Checking = $1,262. Motion was made to accept report by Dave, seconded by Nicole, vote take to accept 4/0.

Events: On May 7 students will be taking their Skills Test at 10:15AM.

On May 15 is monthly education class on White Water River Rescue.

EMT class: we have six students and are three weeks away from testing on the 23rd at Heart Of The Rockies Labs. New drivers class will be scheduled for two new drivers (Jessica and Libby). All EMTs will be tested prior to July this year.

AVAD expansion: The well is in and paid for. Next major expenses will be painting, the septic, dirt work and driveway. The idea of a grand opening was discussed but remains undecided as of yet. As we get closer to finishing we will need to sell the storage container and look into signage for the property. Discussion followed concerning the fuel pump/storage at Cotopaxi. Main points discussed were the age of the existing fuel (old), the condition it maybe in (dirty). The old storage tank can be moved to Coaldale station but will require designing a new barrier around it, and maybe a new tank. Adding that cost to construction, taking into consideration the cost savings on fuel (not that great) it might be more cost effective at this time to purchase fuel at local stations as we are currently doing.

Grants need to be considered to purchase interior furniture and fixtures for Coaldale Station.

Ops….our fuel tanks need to be kept at 3/4 full. Com links were discussed in both units. Snow tires were also discussed for next year, which could be paid for with money from selling storage container.

Meeting adjourned at 1900 hours by Nicole.