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Board Meeting Minutes of Feb 2019

by TEK | Mar 18, 2019

AVAD 19-2 (Yr-Mo)

Minutes of February 19, 2019 

In attendance Tom Kainz, Nicole Lewis, Jordan Clewell, Dave Van Nattan, Andra Dalton, Mark Rowland. Guest Ron McFarland.

Meeting was called to order at 1806 by Nicole.

Minutes were presented, reviewed with no corrections. Motion to accept was made by Tom, seconded by Andra. Approved 5/0.

Treasures report was presented. AVAD has a combined balance of $17,492.73. This months bills amount to $565.99. Motion was made by Andra to approve bills for the month. Dave seconded. Motion passed 5/0. Motion to accept Financial Report as written was made by Andra, seconded by Jordan. Motion passed 4/0/1A. Discussion followed concerning giving the Ambulance Director a Debit Card for $1000, In case of a possible emergency need. Andra made a motion to do so, Dave seconded, motion carried 5/0. Mark will also set up records with vendor’s names and addresses allowing AVAD access to established vendors.

Board members were asked if anyone knew of a CPA we could use to establish guideline on benefits and compensation to our volunteers. Discussion followed and a suggestion was made to have Jordan contact SDA for guidance in finding a good CPA. Jordan agreed.

Upcoming events for reports needing to be completed. We are good until March 31, Audit Exemption. We are planning to reach out to Western Fremont Fire for assistance on our first report.

Tom informed the BOD that we do have a contract with Dan Slater, Attorney at Law, for his services.

Jordan reported on our membership to SDA. Our budget and contact list has been provided to SDA, we are waiting on them to return information to us. That information should include the fee SDA will charge us for membership.

A Joint User Agreement is being discussed between Mark and Teri. Their discussion indicated we maybe able to push our agenda through the channels. CMS has a 60 day window.

Ron McFarland addressed the District on expenses for the EMT Classes. He asked us to reconsider those expenses due to the fact The District is now receiving funds from Fremont County. That leaves the District in better financial condition than AVA. AVA is looking at the property expense and the debt of A2. A2 has a debt to High County Bank for approximately $30,000. Discussion followed. EMT trading started with 9 and is now down to 6. Five are committing to working with AVAD in the future, one is a paying member. We are somewhere between 6 to 7 months away from having these new EMT completely ready. Additional expenses are also becoming more, ie….background checks, clothing, radios, testing fees, insurance etc. Discussion followed. Dave made a motion to set aside $6000 to cover EMT classes and the additional expenses. Jordan seconded, accepted 3/0/2A.

The possibility of providing Jump Bags for drivers was introduced. We need to start with just the basics, CPR mask, gloves, vest, bandages, etc. Mark will start making that happen.

The Insurance Report was given by Jordan. We have received two quotes from VFIS. One quote was for a $4881 premium, the second quote was for $5850 and it included additional liability coverage. A bond for BOD needs to be verified. We do need in place ownership of A1 to the District, a check and paperwork. A motion was made by Dave, seconded by Andra, to pay $5850 to VFIS for insurance and giving Jordan and Tom authority to sign on behalf of AVAD, and provided answers to any questions VFIS may have. Approved 5/0/0.

Teri has all the paper work to proceed. She has been provided the demographic information on each board member via email. NPI number is pending. CMS application submitted.

The Ambulance Director (Mark) made his report.

  • Grants: Andra reported the 20/20 EMS Provider Grant for radios and Life PAC 2 for A2 has been submitted. We are asking for a 10% financial waver. It is a three step process for approval. We have two more steps to take, one with Retac in Pueblo, then one at state level.
  • Operations: we need to have heat fixed in A1.
  • Active 911: a family member can be notified via messaging in the event their spouse/ partner has been dispatched on a call.

There is a meeting on Medicaid Gap Payments, in Pueblo on March 1. Dave has agreed to attend that meeting and gather information.

AVA Report (Ron): we are still in business.

Public comments: Ron wanted to express that he is very impressed with the BOD for AVAD, and says “thank you”.

AVAD and Howard V F D: Jordan made a motion, seconded by Dave, that we start paying HVFD $100 per month as payment for space at their station. Accepted 5/0. March 6 will be the first payment to be made at their board meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 2019.