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Board Meeting Minutes of May, 2019

by Thomas Kainz | Jul 29, 2019

AVAD 19-5

Minutes of May 20, 2019

In attendance: Andra Dalton, Tom Kainz, Dave VanNattan. Nicole Lewis and Jordan Celwell absent. Guest Ron McFarland, Mark Rolands.

Meeting was called to order by Andra Dalton at 1822, May 20, 2019.

Absent board member, Nicole Lewis, is absent due to child birth, board approved this absence (Tom motion, Dave seconded, vote 3/0). Jordan not present, no notice.


Minutes were presented. Andra motioned to accept, Tom seconded, vote 3/0.

Treasurer’s report was presented.

  • The District received disbursement on May 10. Base figure was $51135.34 with actual deposit of $49637.83.
  • Expenses were paid for A2 ($5000), school expense ($3000), radios ($1144.87), other expenses totaling $881.87.
  • Year to date receipts total $128984.26, approx 78.79% of projected first year projections.
  • Donations shall be tracked into individual line accounts or sub line items.
  • Grants shall also be tracked in the same manner.
  • We need to contact a CPA on depreciation accounting of A1 and A2.
  • Motion to accept the treasures report was made by Dave, seconded by Andra, vote 2/0/1.

Jordan was to make a report but was absent, his report is to be reviewed by Mark and presented to the Board in the future.

AVAD will need to pull the rigs out of HVFD location for this weekends breakfast event.

We also are planning to have a table at the Chili Cook-off on June 1-2. We will arrange for the Colorado State Patrol to be available for public information about drinking and driving. At that event we will need to have volunteers to man our table, board members and newbies from EMT class.

SDA has an event planned for June 10, at the Scout Hut.

A legal motion was made concerning operations. Tom made the following motion, seconded by Dave. “Arkansas Valley Ambulance District shall officially take over daily operations from RamRod/AVA effective May 1,2019.” Vote 3/0.

New item for District information. Mark has been approached by Reach. They are in need of a backup service in case air transport is not possible. This could be a substantial income provider. Solvista is also looking for the same type of Transfer Contract. Mark will obtain more information before next Board meeting.

Mark is also looking into conducting additional practice calls for trainees, drivers, including ride alongside.

EMT Training class ended with 4 students. All steps have been completed. Ride along are to be scheduled by May 21. Authorization for testing should be forthcoming. There maybe a possible additional expense of $600 to cover training classes and medical test. Approx $200 per student.

Ambulance Directors Report

  • New call numbers on on the way.
  • Mark recommends new batteries for radios (6).
  • We need to work on volunteer and family decisions, set a time to restock supplies in cabinets and units.
  • Mark will work on Job Description for Director position. It could be a paid part time position that have been budgeted at $7200 year ($600 month).
  • Another CPA question for employee/employer questions.

EMS Provider Grant has a time line it follows, it can vary but is usually around July 1. This grant is for power cot for A2, radios. 10% Match.

Jim passed on the maintenance list for A1 and A2. It was decided to have a Community event to clean and restock both units on June 8, 9am, providing lunch for all workers.

AVA/RamRod update: they have submitted a claim with the title insurance company on the property in Texas Creek.


Meeting adjourned at 2043. Next meeting June 17.

Submitted by Dave Van Nattan