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Board Meeting Minutes of July 2019

by Thomas Kainz | Nov 10, 2019 

AVAD 19-7

Minutes of July 15, 2019

Arkansas Valley Ambulance District Board Meeting, July 15, 2019
Attendance: Nicole Lewis, Tom Kainz, Andra Dalton, Dave Van Nattan.

Meeting was called to order at 1810


Minutes from last month we presented. Andra made motion, seconded by Tom to accept minutes, voted 4/0. 

A Financial report was made by Tom.

  • Notable expenses totaled $495 to Business Options and $480 for Detailing/waxing. Current balances are $158,289.62 (combined).
  • Available funds are $93,983.16.
  • Our grant was approved covering $90,000 for new Life PAC, radios, and cot assist. 
  • Motioned to accept by Dave, seconded by Andra, vote 4/0 in favor.

Nicole is still working on a CPA. Nicole suggested we form some sub committees to cover areas of concern, review information and report back to board with recommendations. Policies and procedures, CPA firm is the first committee. Andra motioned, seconded by Dave, that a sub committee be formed using Nicole and Andra as leads. Vote taken 4/0 confirming setup of committee. 

Up coming events are noted.

  • On July 22 there will be a EMT information meeting. Andra will look into cost of their class vs our own. AVAD will promote both events. Colorado Mountain College requires English Credits for class.

(Time is set for 6 pm for EMT event.)

  • Driver training will be given on July 23 starting at 6 pm. 

The open position on the Board was discussed. No one has shown interest as of yet. Nicole is working on a solution to maybe have the deadline moved a little. 

Road signs on Highway 50 indicating AVAD District starting place on both the East side and West side. TOD signs maybe used instead, Nicole will contact to get results. 

EMT class members are in the process of taking test. 

Uniforms, jumpsuits, safety vest, and Highway vest were discussed. Dave will do some research on these plus go bags. 

Billing to Medicare thru Business Options was approved June 25. We are able to back bill for a period of 90 days. 

Ambulance Director report unavailable due to absence. 

Grants information. We should be getting our grant money in Sept. Stryker Equipment made an offer for us to try out their cot to decide if we will go with their equipment at a future date. We are looking into other equipment also. Computer update is important, prices range from tablets at $400 to Surface pros at $700. Obtaining life pacs, radios are in the planning stage. Their is also a need for a larger metal cabinet. 

New keys for both units will be made and placed at approved locations. A/C has Ben fixed on A1, A2 has had the rear spring replaced and is now scheduled for new tires and an alignment. 

A location in Coaldale is still being looked for. 

SDA has sent two comics of their 2019 Manuel. Copies are available online at, tab to resources. 


Meeting was adjourned. 

Minutes submitted by Dave Van Nattan