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Board Meeting Minutes of November 2019

by Thomas Kainz | Feb 8, 2020

AVAD 19-11

Minutes of November 18, 2019

Arkansas Valley Ambulance District Board Meeting, November 18, 2019

Attendance: Nicole Lewis, Tom Kainz, Dave Van Nattan, David Craft, Andra Dalton
Supporting Staff: Mark Rowland, Jim Lemermeier.
Guest(s): Ron McFarland, Mike Scott

Meeting called to order at 18:04

  • Minutes from October 20, 2019 were presented. No corrections were made, Dave Craft made motion to accept, Tom seconded, voted to accept 4/0.

Treasures report presented by Tom Kainz

  • CRS is being hired to do our monthly transaction reports and we will be receiving their output reports.
  • Our income for the month was $2,836.80, giving us a total of $154,909.92. There is $55,245.46 in reserves and donation funds and $99,668.46 available funds.
  • We did receive $765 in donations (for training) in the name of Norm Lastovica, and $785 in donations (for matching funds) in the name of Chuck Vancil.
  • Grants have been awarded in the amount of $81,667.12 (a 90/10 match).We have an difference of $3,053.53, Tom must double check this, the difference is due to a quote vs actual billing.Radios are in awaiting chargers. Mark needs to be contacted before the programming of the new radios. Tom has updated transparency notice.Laptop for Med1 was received on Thursday with a second one arrived today. They will be installed next week.Question came up of what to do with the old ones, their value could be between $300-400. Craigslist was discussed, Andra made a motion to do that, seconded by Dave Craft, voted carried 5/0.Budget changes were noted from last month minutes. This is our first budget and next year we will be better equipped and able to project a closer budget. 2019 budget year to date is $191,928. AVA’s budget was great, AVAD revised that budget and made a few changes and additions. The budget for 2020 was reviewed by the Board, Dave VanNattan made motion to accept, Andra seconded, vote carried 5/0.
  • Our renewal to SDA has been done


  • The meet and greet meeting with volunteers went well. Volunteers were presented with our new guidelines for volunteers. We are building a foundation for future AVAD operations. For committed volunteers we will supply uniforms, patches will also be updated and supplied.
  • An email will be sent to The River Rat with what we need as a District, ie EMTs, drivers etc. River Rat Radio Station is willing to help us find people to cover our needs.
  • A Christmas dinner is planned for volunteers to be held at Riverside Cafe, on Dec 18 if approved by Cafe. The dinner will start at 5 and include our next Board Meeting. Volunteers will be notified by email and need to RSVP by Dec 1. Nicole will try to have t-shirts available at this dinner
  • Director Education program is in Salida on Dec 5. We must respond by Dec 1 to attend.

General Discussion:

  • Legal IssuesNicole and Andra are working on this very big issue and making progress. Input was requested on areas of concern that the Board may have. Due to a radio call, radio usage needs addressing. Main point is names of persons involved in a call can not be transmitted over the airways. When it happens, as it did, an apology needs to be made to that person.
  • Mike Scott updated the Board on his EMT class. He is doing very well and only has 8 more classes. He does have a financial concern on gas expenses back and forth to Pueblo. The Board has already approved to cover that expense in payment.Motion was made by Dave VanNattan, seconded by Dave Craft to pay remaining payment now. Voted 5/0. Mike received his final payment.
  • Uniform expenses were discussed. What qualifies a volunteer as full time or part time? Andra is going to send out a email verifying volunteer information, including if the are full or part time, based on shifts signed up for. Shifts are based on signing up for the shifts not just showing up at the scene. Just showing up to assist does not count as a shift.
  • The volunteer meeting was great and there were immediate changes in signing up. Volunteers were asked to have input on their needs.

Ambulance Director Report:

  • Mark is not going to try and replace or redo A2 as planned in the past. He suggest instead to wait and build funds up for a new rig.
  • A Provider Grant when presented needs to be approved by the BOD and funds set aside for that. This grant opens Dec 15 and closes Feb 15. Mark will put together a recommendation for the grant (a 50%) by next meeting.
  • From Oct 27 to Nov 14 we had no runs vs 3 runs from Nov 15-18. This is just to point out shifts vs runs.
  • There may be an upcoming request from Michele for further education, which can be covered in a 50% grant. Being creative it could work out something like 50% grant, 25% AVAD, 25% Michele.
  • Mark still request that we spread around his duties to prevent his meltdown. He did provide the Board with a list of duties he would like others to cover. Andra will send a copy of this list to volunteers and see if we can relieve some stress from Mark.
  • Mark reminded everyone to get students for January EMT Class.

AVA Update

  • Jim updated the Board on AVA. They are still working on the IRS concerning their 990s.
  • Cotopaxi storage has been cleaned out and is at HVFD. There are also records that need to be destroyed, they were presented to Mark for destruction.
  • Transfer of grant items needs completing.

Public Comment

  • Ron McFarland is delighted with our progress. We are young but growing well, earning respect through our the valley.

General Discussion


Adjourned 20:07

Next scheduled meeting will be at the dinner at Riverside Cafe, Dec 18. (subsequently changed to 12/14)