Monthly Financial Reports - August 2024
Account Activity Item Description | Operating Checking Bank | Emergency Checking Bank | Reserve Checking Bank | Saving's Reserve | TOTALS ALL ACCOUNTS |
BEGINNING BALANCE PER BANK | $14,221 | $575 | $14,319 | $79,648 | $108,763 |
YTD Credits | 110,895 | 14,132 | 225,002 | 432,969 | 782,998 |
YTD Debits | -113,887 | -11,979 | -202,327 | -445,563 | -773,746 |
YTD Balance | 11,239 | 2,728 | 36,994 | 67,054 | 118,015 |
Transfers | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
YTD Balance Less Outstanding Checks | 11,239 | 2,728 | 336,994 | 67,054 | 118,015 |
Restricted Cash - Capital | -36,994 | -36,994 | |||
Adjusted Balance Less Restricted Cash | 11,239 | 2,728 | 0 | 67,054 | 81,021 |
Account Activity item Description | General | Capital | Totals/All Funds |
Beginning Funds Available | $94,444 | $14,319 | $108,763 |
YTD Property Taxes Received | 271,931 | 0 | 271,931 |
YTD Specific Ownership Taxes Received | 20,058 | 0 | 20,058 |
YTD Ambulance Service Fees Received | 27,487 | 0 | 27,487 |
YTD Interest Received | 348 | 0 | 348 |
Deposit Subtotals | 319,824 | 0 | 319,824 |
YTD Total Expenses | -117,331 | -343,241 | -460,572 |
Loan Proceeds | 0 | 150,000 | 0 |
Transfers | -215,916 | 215,916 | 0 |
YTD Ending Funds Available | 81,021 | 36,994 | 118,015 |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | Percent of Budget | |
Property Taxes | $4,732 | $264,556 | $244,992 | $19,564 | 108% |
Senior/Veteran Exemption | 0 | 7,375 | 7,000 | 375 | 105% |
Specific Ownership Taxes | 2,655 | 20,058 | 29,400 | -9,342 | 68% |
Ambulance Service Fees | 5,314 | 27,487 | 25,000 | 2,487 | 110% |
Interest | 157 | 348 | 200 | 148 | 174% |
Total Revenues | 12,858 | 319,824 | 306,592 | 13,232 | 104% |
Expense Category | Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | Percent of Budget |
Administrative staff - reimbursement | $3,521 | $25,608 | $44,000 | ($18,392) | 58% |
Community outreach | 84 | 1,355 | 1,000 | 355 | 136% |
Compliance (mandated expenses, taxes, fees) | 22 | 731 | 500 | 231 | 146% |
County treasurer fees | 148 | 7,092 | 7,560 | (468) | 94% |
District management and accounting | 1,489 | 11,406 | 13,000 | (1,594) | 88% |
Dues and subscriptions | 30 | 736 | 1,000 | (264) | 74% |
Insurance (BOD) | 0 | 0 | 500 | (500) | 0% |
Legal | 0 | 0 | 1,000 | (1,000) | 0% |
Office equipment & technology | 40 | 40 | 2,000 | (1,960) | 2% |
Office supplies | 30 | 404 | 2,500 | (2,096) | 16% |
Payroll taxes | 154 | 3,085 | 3,520 | (435) | 88% |
Postage | 0 | 0 | 500 | (500) | 0% |
Printing | 0 | 0 | 500 | (500) - | 0% |
Total Administration | 5,518 | 50,457 | 77,580 | -27,123 | 65% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Bank Charges | $0 | $136 | $150 | $-14 | 91% |
Billing & Collection Fees | 697 | 2,802 | 2,000 | 802 | 140% |
Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 0 | 500 | -500 | 0% |
Communications | 179 | 1,137 | 2,200 | -1,063 | 52% |
Dispatch Services | 1,084 | 3,252 | 4,300 | -1,048 | 76% |
Facility Reimbursements | 0 | 1,500 | 2,000 | -500 | 75% |
Insurance: workers comp, equipment, liability | 0 | 12,344 | 12,000 | 344 | 103% |
Medical device maintenance | 0 | 0 | 2,000 | -2,000 | 0% |
Medical supplies | 169 | 3,561 | 6,000 | -2,439 | 59% |
Operating contingency (TABOR) 3% | 0 | 0 | 9,200 | -9,200 | 0% |
Personal protection equipment | 0 | 0 | 1,000 | -1,000 | 0% |
Uniforms | 0 | 340 | 5,000 | 4,660 | 7% |
Utilities | 58 | 1,203 | 3,000 | -1,797 | 40% |
Volunteer benefits | 1,001 | 8,073 | 25,000 | -16,927 | 32% |
Volunteer responder reimbursement | 0 | 5,847 | 25,000 | -19,153 | 23% |
Total operations | 3,188 | 40,195 | 99,350 | -59,155 | 40% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Continuing education | $0 | $1,879 | $4,000 | $-2,121 | 47% |
Driver training (EMR) | 0 | 0 | 500 | -500 | 0% |
EMT training | 0 | 19,672 | 20,000 | -328 | 98% |
Training devices, supplies, books | 0 | 0 | 1,000 | -1,000 | 0% |
Training equipment - small | 0 | 0 | 500 | -500 | 0% |
Total Training Expenses | 0 | 21,551 | 26,000 | 4,449 | 83% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Ambulance Computers | 0 | 0 | 500 | -500 | 0% |
Ambulance fuel | 0 | 709 | 2,000 | -1,291 | 35% |
Ambulance maintenance | 117 | 614 | 2,000 | 1,386 | 31% |
Ambulance registration & licensing | 0 | 675 | 500 | 175 | 135% |
Communications | 0 | 0 | 2,000 | -2,000 | 0% |
Facility | 0 | 0 | 5,000 | -5,000 | 0% |
Small equipment | 121 | 3,130 | 2,000 | 1,130 | 157% |
Total Equipment Expenses | 238 | 5,128 | 14,000 | -8,872 | 37% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Total Income | $12,858 | $319,824 | $306,592 | $13,232 | 104% |
Total expenditures | 8,944 | 117,331 | 216,930 | -99,599 | 54% |
EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUES | 3,914 | 202,493 | 89,662 | 112,831 | 54% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | Percent of Budget | |
Transfer to Capital Fund | $-11.128 | $-215,916 | -$170,000 | -$45,916 | 127% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
NET CHANGE IN FUNDS AVAILABLE | -$7,214 | -$13,423 | -$80,338 | $66,915 | 127% |
BEGINNING FUND BALANCE | $88,235 | $94,444 | |||
ENDING FUND BALANCE | $81,021 | $81,021 |
Current Month Total | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Total Revenues | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Current Month Total | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Loan Principal | $0 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $0 | 100% |
Loan Interest | 1,128 | 3,613 | 9,500 | (-5,887) | 38% |
Loan Costs | 0 | 2,491 | 4,500 | (-2,009) | 55% |
Building Costs and Improvements | 0 | 187,137 | 170,000 | 17,137 | 110% |
Total Expenditures | 1,128 | 343,241 | 334,000 | 9,241 | 103% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Total Income | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Expenditures | 1,128 | 343,241 | 334,000 | 9,241 | 103% |
EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER BUDGET | -1,128 | -343,241 | -334,000 | 9,241 | 103% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
Loan Proceeds | $0 | $150,000 | $150,000 | $0 | 100% |
Transfer from General Fund | 11,128 | 215,916 | $170,000 | 45,916 | 127% |
TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES | 11,128 | 365,916 | 320,000 | 45,916 | 114% |
Current Month Actual | YTD Actual | 2024 Adopted Budget | Variance Over (Under) | % of Budget | |
NET CHANGE IN FUNDS AVAILABLE | $10,000 | $22,675 | $-14,000 | $36,675 | |
BEGINNING FUNDS AVAILABLE | $26,994 | $14,319 | |||
ENDING FUNDS AVAILABLE | $36,994 | $36,994 |